Thank you everyone for your support, I had a great time on AGT and a fun night with my family and friends watching it on the TV.
The Judges Audition was a big day for a little pig. We arrived at 8am and didn’t finish until 3pm. There were lots of interviews and for a piggy who has been known to have the odd little tantrum I handled it really well.
I became a backstage celebrity, everyone would walk past and say “Hi Coco”. When I got on stage I performed all of my tricks, but probably a little slower than normal as Sandra and Ann had been giving me treats all day!
Kyle was very nice to me both on and off stage; we even had our photo taken together.
It was funny because one of my tricks was rolling out the red carpet and when Sandra took me for a walk outside I tried to roll up the Judges’ red carpet but Sandra said “no not that carpet Coco”.
One red carpet is the same as the next red carpet as far as I am concerned!
My friend “Jackson” The Dancing Poodle got 4 Yes’s from the Judges so why not jump on to his facebook page and show your support.
Hogs and Kisses
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