Welcome to my website,

I was so excited to appear on Channel 7’s Better Homes & Gardens with Dr Harry Cooper,
if you missed it check me out by Clicking Here

Coco, Dr Harry, Ann“Having a pig as a pet is something you must think about very deeply, yes research it,
because pigs are not dogs and they are certainly not cats, they are indeed a very different animal”
  Dr Harry Cooper

 As you can see by my stunning looks, I am a girl.
Here I am enjoying a cake smash on my 3rd Birthday, 18 December 2014.

Coco's 3rd Birthday Photo I have three Australian Miniature Goats as my best four legged friends,
their names are Arkie, Archie and Sally.

My best two legged friend is Ann.

 You will see what an unusual life I lead for a pig.  I have been busy with music videos,
TV shows, photo shoots, visits to the park and river, and entertaining with my tricks!!
I have even appeared on Australia’s Got Talent.

 My website includes lots of hog bits of my life such as video clips and snapshots.
You will get to check out my baby pics (gosh I was cute).
Also where I have been living (not your average mudpit).

 I will share some “piggy facts” along the way (if anyone knows piggy facts, it’s a pig)
and I will even let you know what it takes for my owners to care for little ol’ me!

 Oh…..  and if you are looking for something different and special for your event,
why not give Ann or I a call.

 Ann loves training me and I love learning new things
……so if you have a unique idea, run it by us as we both love a challenge!

 Why not ‘LIKE’ my Facebook page
where you will find lots of fun and interesting things.

 Thanks for dropping by, I hope y’all come back soon.

 Hogs and Kisses

Check Out What Coco has been up to?

Coco The Miniature Pig Meets Dr Harry

Coco The Miniature Pig Meets Dr Harry

It’s not everyday that you get to work with one of the best Vets in Australia, so when Ann whispered in my ear that Dr Harry from Better Homes & Gardens was paying a visit to me and my mini-goat friends, you can bet that I was excited! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yu9h27AG28 The day before Ann’s friends, Sue…

The Truth About Australian Miniature Pigs

The Truth About Australian Miniature Pigs

The words ‘miniature’ and ‘pig’, when put together, often puts a picture in our minds of a ‘Babe-esque’ little pig. Incredibly cute, perfectly pink and any other associated generalisations you can think of.  Yes, these kinds of pigs do exist (as babies), but no, not all miniature pigs will look like this. Really? Really. It’s…

Blue Dog Audition Video

Blue Dog Audition Video

I helped a future actor Mallee audition for the upcoming new movie “Blue Dog”. Let me know what you think of our performances.

Menai Parc

Menai Parc

Hi all, I’m back to school again down at Menai Parc with Ann and Sandra ….. very funny watching them unload all my ‘toys’ from the car. I call them ‘toys’, Ann says they are ‘for training’. Today we had a small group watching me learn how to play soccer and ten pin bowling. Ann keeps…



I had a great day today, I went down to the local park with Ann and Sandra. This Spring weather is beautiful and because it’s School Holidays the park was full of people. I had two ladies come up and ask to have their photo taken with me and lots of kids surrounding me as they thought I was…

Coco’s Engineering Degree

Coco’s Engineering Degree

I have now earned an engineering degree!!!! I started by emptying my water trough to roll in the mud the water created. After some thought I realised I could push the mud around and have now created my own dam. My dam is situated below my water tough so each time Ann fills my water…

Australia’s Got Talent Audition

Australia’s Got Talent Audition

Thank you everyone for your support, I had a great time on AGT and a fun night with my family and friends watching it on the TV. The Judges Audition was a big day for a little pig.  We arrived at 8am and didn’t finish until 3pm.  There were lots of interviews and for a piggy who has…

Australia’s Got Talent Excitement

Australia’s Got Talent Excitement

There is only two more sleeps until my appearance on Australia’s Got Talent and like you humans I’ve got butterflies in my stomach, I hope I look OK on camera, we were so busy before I went on stage there was no time for makeup.  Ann has organised for family and friends to come over on Sunday night so we can all watch it…